Sky Paint Homestead
Junior Does
Sky Paint JK Monroe
DOB 1/31/2020
ADGA ID: D2096542
Blue-eyed, polled, and moonspotted
Sire- Lady Walkers V Jester King
SS- Buffalo Clover VAL Versace *B VEV88
SD- Lady Walkers ATL Juniper Rye VEVV88
Dam- SG Asylum Hill S Three Ahna Match 1*M AR VEVV88
DS- AGS Doe-Sy-Doe AP Sandstorm
DD- Wooly Dog Down Ahnastahzyahs VEEV89
This little doe was the second born in a beautiful set of triplets. She has a very quiet, peaceful nature and loves attention, just like her mama. She has the funniest moonspot that wraps around her neck like a scarf, so I will never forget the freezing cold day that she decided to be born on! She already is showing a very dairy, deep body with lots of capacity. Her dam is my best milker and may be retiring within the next couple of years, so I am grateful to have this doeling to retain. In 2021, at the Pride of the Piedmont, Monroe took GCH Junior Doe in two rings and Reserve in another ring. We can't wait to see her freshen!

Sky Paint TTR Maybelle

DOB 2/7/2020
ADGA ID: D2096543
Sire- Lady Walkers ATL Ticket to Rye +B VEE89
SS- Proctor Hill Farm Atlantis
SD- SG NC Promisedland RB Bolero *B +EV85
Dam- Sky Paint KOH Julie 4*M AR +EEE88
DS- Waterloo Pond T King of Hearts +VV84
DD- SG Waterloo Pond RCT Ginger 4*M AR EVEV90
Maybelle is a petite little doe with a very sweet personality! She is calm, quiet and loves attention. She has a very nice pedigree with lots of production. I look forward to watching her grow and mature!
Maybelle is always in the top of her classes in the show ring, has taken second place twice and took Reserve Junior Champion at the Pride of the Piedmont show in 2021.

Sky Paint JK Moana

DOB 2/29/2020
ADGA ID: D2096544
Blue-eyed and moonspotted
Sire- Lady Walkers V Jester King
SS- Buffalo Clover VAL Versace *B VEV88
SD- Lady Walkers ATL Juniper Rye VEVV87
Dam- Sky Paint TTR Horizon Line 2*M AR VVV+86
DS- Lady Walkers ATL Ticket to Rye +B VEV89
DD- SG Asylum Hill S Three Ahna Match 1*M AR VEVV88
Our first Leap Year kids! I am so glad that Horizon kidded with buck/doe twins. I was really wanting to retain a doe kid from that litter, and here we have Moana! This flashy little blue eyed princess has a big personality like her dam. Hopefully she will be just as amazing of a milker as her dam, as well! Her pedigree is loaded with goats that excel in the performance programs, and the flashy bling is just icing on the cake.

DOB 3/24/2020
ADGA ID# D2113561
Sire- Lady Walkers ATL Ticket to Rye AR +B VEE89
SS- Proctor Hill Farm Atlantis *B
SD- Dreahook AF Mirabeau
Dam- Sky Paint KOH Jasmine VVV+86
DS- Waterloo Pond T King of Hearts+VV84
DD- Asylum Hill S Three Ahna Match AR 2*M VEEE90
Meadow is an absolute doll. She takes very much after her sire, Rye. She is very long and level with a nice extension to her brisket and level rump. She will be bred in 2021 for early 2022 kids.
Sky Paint TTR Meadow
2021 Junior Does

DOB 2/9/2021
Sire- Lady Walkers ATL Ticket to Rye AR +B VEE89
SS- Proctor Hill Farm Atlantis *B
SD- Dreahook AF Mirabeau
Dam- SG Asylum Hill S Three Ahna Match AR 2*M VEEE90
DS- AGS Doe-Sy-Doe AF Sandstorm
DD- Wooly Dog Down Ahnahstahzyahs 1*M VEEV89
So far I have yet to capture the beautiful length of this doe on camera! She is truly a stunning kid, just as I had hoped. She a Rye/Ahna repeat breeding, so she is the full sister to Horizon Line. Very lovely little doe!
Sky Paint TTR North

DOB 2/24/2021
Sire- Lady Walkers V Jester King VEE90
SS- Buffalo Clover VAL Versace *B VEV88
SD-Lady Walkers ATL Juniper Rye VEVV87
Dam- Sky Paint KOH Julie AR 4*M +EEE88
DS- Waterloo Pond T King of Hearts +VV84
DD- Waterloo Pond PSZ Theia VVV+85
Novella was the last born and the tiniest of a set of triplets, but was the first to stand and nurse. She has been an adorable little ball of moonspotted fluff and easily won us over as the "keeper" of her litter.

Sky Paint JK Niria

DOB 2/24/2021
Polled, blue-eyed and moonspotted
Sire- Lady Walkers V Jester King VEE90
SS- Buffalo Clover VAL Versace*B VEV88
SD- Lady Walkers ATL Juniper Rye VEVV87
Dam- Sky Paint MT Kalypso VEEV88
DS- Cool Springs Moose Tracks *B A+V81
DD- Asylum Hill S Three Ahna Match AR 2*M VEEE90
Little Niria with her bright blue eyes is all SPUNK! She is incredibly sweet and knows how pretty she is. She is a big, healthy kid that is always at the gate to greet us.
Cedar View Rosemarie
DOB 4/5/2021
ADGA ID# PD2174193
Sire- SG Cedar View Olivero ++*B VEV88
SS- Cedar View Josephus +*B +EV85
SD- SGCH Cedar View Isabella AR 4*M EEEE91
Dam- SG Cedar View Saffron AR 6*M VEV+85
DS- Cedar View Vito +*B
DD- Cedar View Dalila AR 5*M VEEV88
Rosemarie is just DARLING. She has astounding goats on both sides of her pedigree that have excelled in ADGA performance programs. Her dam's credentials and accomplishments are what sold me on this breeding:
December 2019 ADGA Elite Doe List as a First Freshener
2019 ANDDA Silver JUJU Award - First lactation: 255 days in milk 820# Milk 52 # Fat 37# Protein
July 2019 LA VEV+ 85
Junior Grand at the SMDGA May 2018
Reserve Grand at the 6/19/21 show in Perry, GA
Saffron is also in the 2021 Top Ten Breed Leaders with ADGA in butterfat and protien and milked over 1,500 lbs of milk!

Picture coming soon!

Rosemarie's sire, Olivero, and her dam, Saffron